HEI Member Committees
Participate in HEI Member Committees
HEI Member Committees are a great place to start networking, and sharpen or acquire relevant skills. As we continue to build the multisectoral organization you have asked for, Health Equity Initiative needs your help to make sure this continues to be YOUR organization. As a member-driven volunteer organization, you take ownership of activities and focus through the member committees! Your passion, commitment, and experience is what makes HEI different.
All committees are composed of volunteer members who agree to nurture and ignite conversation and engagement on health equity and work to develop activities and resources for all members and our broader community on specific areas/topics. Member committees are renewed every year or every two years. Committees often meet monthly via conference call or Zoom as decided by their members and chairs. Different committees work together and participate in inter-committees calls as needed. HEI's board of directors oversees the work of the committees to ensure it aligns with the organization's mission and strategic priorities.
Please contact us if you are interested in learning more about or participating in one of our member committees Don’t wait to meet new colleagues from different sectors who can help you strengthen your work to advance health equity!
Committee Overview (2020- 2023)
Coordinates member recruitment and develops ideas, resources, materials, and events for member recruitment and renewal. Conducts membership drives and other relevant activities to effectively recruit new members. Organizes membership-only events.
This committee is key to HEI's efforts to build community in support of health equity across sectors and disciplines, and really is the "glue" of the organization. The committee develops and implements community-building strategies, activities and resources, including our quarterly newsletters and social events. Designs and implements health equity awareness initiatives, such as our recent infographic series, reports and others. Manages HEI’s social media outreach. Publicizes specific events, programs, and activities. Responsible for developing media and materials for publicity and health equity-driven communication efforts.
Professional development
Solicits member and community input on professional development and capacity building needs within different professions and communities. Drives HEI’s call for volunteer facilitators of its webinars and workshops. Create opportunities for capacity building initiatives and organizational workshops, which Health Equity Initiative offers at competitive nonprofit fees. Coordinates, organizes, and publicizes (in collaboration with the communication committee) webinars and other relevant activities.
Identifies and solicits potential sponsors for HEI activities and events. Focuses additional efforts on creating sustainable and dedicated scholarship funds to increase access to community leaders and nonprofit organizations with limited budget to HEI’s membership. Organizes at least one fundraising event per year.