2018 Summit Report and Recommendations
Engaging New Allies in the Health Equity Movement: Highlights and Recommendations from the 2018 Summit's Innovation Think Tanks
June 29, 2018
Schiavo, R., Oledibe, N., Faroul, L., and Health Equity Initiative (2018)
June 29, 2018
Schiavo, R., Oledibe, N., Faroul, L., and Health Equity Initiative (2018)
This report summarizes highlights and recommendations that emerged from Health Equity Initiative's 2018 Summit Innovation Think Tanks. The Think Tanks format was instrumental to facilitate a consultative process and enabled summit participants to develop a shared vision on four important themes, which the Summit explored also via panel discussions: Strategies and Models for Multisectoral Partnerships for Health Equity; Race, Racism, and Health Equity; Poverty and Health Equity; Gender, LGBTQIA+, and Health Equity.
This report includes overall and topic-specific recommendations that emerged from the Summit’s Innovation Think Tanks as well as conclusions, next steps, and promising strategies for multisectoral collaborations and interventions to overcome social discrimination and other key barriers to health equity across issues of racism, poverty, and gender/LGBTQIA+ bias. The report is complemented by the Mind Maps developed by Think Tank participants.
This report includes overall and topic-specific recommendations that emerged from the Summit’s Innovation Think Tanks as well as conclusions, next steps, and promising strategies for multisectoral collaborations and interventions to overcome social discrimination and other key barriers to health equity across issues of racism, poverty, and gender/LGBTQIA+ bias. The report is complemented by the Mind Maps developed by Think Tank participants.
Download the 2018 Summit Report and Recommendations
Key Recommendations
The report highlights a variety of approaches to advance health equity and to implement the aforementioned recommendations across a variety of sectors and disciplines. As we all know, there is no magic bullet or single solution to address health inequities. While many valuable experiences already exist, our collective challenge is now to make sure that these efforts become “commonplace” and that social accountability for health equity is a new social norm.
Content from this publication may be reproduced without permission for non-commercial purposes only provided the following citation is referenced:
Schiavo, R., Oledibe, N, Faroul, L. and Health Equity Initiative (2018) Engaging New Allies in the Health Equity Movement: Highlights and Recommendations from the 2018 Summit Innovation Think Tanks. June 2018. New York, NY: Health Equity Initiative. Available at: https://www.healthequityinitiative.org/reports.html
Learn more about Health Equity Initiative's 2018 Partnership Summit.
Content from this publication may be reproduced without permission for non-commercial purposes only provided the following citation is referenced:
Schiavo, R., Oledibe, N, Faroul, L. and Health Equity Initiative (2018) Engaging New Allies in the Health Equity Movement: Highlights and Recommendations from the 2018 Summit Innovation Think Tanks. June 2018. New York, NY: Health Equity Initiative. Available at: https://www.healthequityinitiative.org/reports.html
Learn more about Health Equity Initiative's 2018 Partnership Summit.
Summit Allied Organizations
Summit Allied Organizations (SAOs) are organizations that share with HEI a strong commitment to advancing health equity, support the 2018 Summit's goals, and contributed to several strategic aspects of the Summit. We are grateful for their participation!
Summit Allied Organizations (SAOs) are organizations that share with HEI a strong commitment to advancing health equity, support the 2018 Summit's goals, and contributed to several strategic aspects of the Summit. We are grateful for their participation!
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